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Tshoc k is a production company that was born in 2011, with the aim of  express and show the oxidation of personal values, as well as the  review of the use of the emotional and social capacities of the being  human.

Criticism, personal self-criticism is the objective of this production company. So the

research is established as a field required by professionals in the environment  as a route to follow; getting new results, new ways of  explain human sociology and psychology.

This  young producer from Mallorca, for  eight years researches and applies

pedagogical and therapeutic technique to the theater and its staging .

It is for this reason that it works  different theatrical genres and disciplines.  Its Finalist in the V CENIT, FITO, stands out  2014, Frankfurt International Theater (Book Fair), Fira de  Manacor among other Festivals

Tshock has produced since its inception in 2011:

Cycle "El teatre de Blai Bonet", which consists of the own Documentary "El Teatre de Blai Bonet", as well as the tour of "Oficis de Carrer" (of the San José Obrero-Bisbe Verger Foundation)   and a conference / recital with the same author. Starting the Balearic tour  at the Teatre Catalina Valls in December 2017,  with co-organization and co-production  with the Ministry of Culture of the Balearic Government and the Fundació Mallorca Literària,.

"Salomé, els set vels"  for the Principal Theater of Palma, on the occasion of the Salomé Opera House,  in March 2016.


"The Architect and the Emperor of Assyria"

by Fernando Arrabal, premiered at the Teatro Principal in Palma  from Mallorca in October 2015.  

" Parasceve"

by Blai Bonet, who has performed 40 performances  Among those that stand out: the Manacor Fair.


scored by Jeroni Obrador when we have the information.
Frankfurt international theater, the Ourense International Festival and the
  V CENIT, Finalist for the Department of Performing Arts CICUS, Seville.  Release date: December 23, 2012. Scenic Space: Teatre  Main Palma. Municipality: Palma.
Still on Tour.

"Live Dreaming ",

therapeutic and social theater of Paquita Ferragut, dancer and  writer with Infantile Cerebral Palsy on the street who has performed 15 functions  since its premiere. Of which the Festival de les arts al Carrer de  Cala Rajada, the Fira Illescena and the 36 National Festival of El ejido.

Tshock has brought commercial and performance production to the  Berlin producer DaspopHaus for their show Crimme dinner:  "Death suits him so well."
Release date: July 13, 2013. Scenic Space: Restaurant El
Moment. Municipality: Cala Figuera. (Theater for Restaurants).


Emotional Culture  is the basis for individuals and societies to  ensure their survival, based on accumulating experiences and reactions mimicked or apprehended by instinct, which engraves them in their most visceral memory through experiences. The unconsciousness of these emotional learning processes makes the human being easy prey for institutions, ideologies and ancestral pasts in an irrational way. It is therefore their basic awareness necessary to create new and parallel worlds, to observe more quickly what does not work and to be able to live in agreement, harmony and a true democracy. Intellectual freedom seems to have reached a limit, light years above the emotional freedom that is still between domination and submission, as the only reality of salvation, a salvation that only condemns us to imposition.

The study of emotion and emotional programming to which we are subjected,  It leads us to qualitatively broaden the awareness of our emotional culture, of our families and of societies. 

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